Proof of Life

I must say this is not the first time that we've watched Proof of Life, we actually took it out by accident, not knowing that we had seen it on TV a few times already.

Proof of Life reminds us all of the harsh realities of living in a third world country and that we should be glad that we are not living in utter fear on a daily basis.

We are reminded to be thankful for the health systems we have access to, even if our government and medical practitioners carry on like a bunch of uneducated dim wits and go on strike making fools of themselves, while trying to screw us as tax payers out of even more than they already are.

Proof of Life highlights the greedy and money hungry, budget hogging practices in place in many large corporates and prompts us to make sure we have got all the right policies and financial plans in place should something go wrong. Reading the fine print is important to ensure you do not save on budget by cutting back on something that you actually need.

This movie is enjoyable, has some good action scenes and can be quite exciting at times. After watching this you might just decide to become a mercenary.