Launching an App

We often engage with clients who would like to launch an app or software solution.

We feel it is our responsibility to make our clients aware of some of the issues pertaining to the success of launching a digital product and gaining any worthwhile traction.

Here are a few points to keep in mind:

  • Your idea is probably not that unique so make sure to research your competition
  • Consider your value proposition and figure out what will make it worth someone’s time to do business with you instead of your competition
  • A digital product still requires work, it won’t just generate revenue because you made it, you need to build your brand and focus on managing it proactively
  • Your website is only as good as your content so be prepared to spend long hours writing original content and taking your original photos
  • Social Media is not a one way broadcast communication channel. Once you go digital, be prepared to manage ongoing, borderline 24hr, conversations with your clients

The rewards of launching a game changing product are much greater than the money you will make out of it but you need to understand the amount of commitment it is going to take to turn your product idea into a success.